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my name is Paul Levine, a resident of Japan for a longish time. love street photography, and happy to find this site. Want to reach out to this community and contribute some of my stuff, but can not figure out how.

any help you can provide in pointing me in the right direction would be most appreciated.

many thanks,



Heeey Mingfang!
So glad to have you here! (see how I am excited? haha)
I also checked your blog a few days ago but you seemed not to have uploaded any new photo, you have been busy?
I am taking a brief break from TE now. Have been hooked up in there and spent too much time in there, haha.
But I will come back soon, don't worry.

但是你按上preview botton的时候,你看见全部的汉字了。



Hi lauryn!
long time no see you in TE, oh, you are here! heheh so fun here. your blog well going on. that push me to wish to make one. can i write in Chinese?

well, i can see the computer you used now. very nice to show here. well, ten years old... it is hardly imagine. ten years ago, i didnt know how to type a chinese character. hahah, very intersting you wrote. i always appricate your note. i think the music you wrote must be very nice, and can make me hear the laughter.

i cannot see the diary, where are they? i hope to read them.
take care!



A sanshin site... we'll find a way to have it become true someday. It is always great to hear people playing musics and you have also the chance to introduce the musics from Okinawa. That should be really fantastic.

We'll find a way.

By the way, I will keep my diary as much short as I can always so that you won't have much trouble reading through it.
I don't like a long diary just saying blah blah about one's personal life(except for today's one). ha ha.


Hi Lauryn

No....I just found this site. I always went to see your pictures at the site you have frizzy hair. Thanks for the suggestion on a Sanshin site.. I don't have the expertise on the computer. Maybe you can give me some tips?

mata na

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